Friday, May 28, 2010

Sharing the Journey

I find it an extraordinary event that a couple will let others come along and support them when they are dealing with uncertainty in the world, often a pre-cursor to a crisis of faith. I recognize that there are boundaries to a marriage partnership. Its a given that a couple will have conversations about life decisions, and that 95% of those decisions have little to do with anyone else' opinion. The fact of the matter is that the two people who have to deal with those decisions are the couple.

Occasionally though a couple cross my path, that are willing to let other's view their pain, without dumping it on other's in anger, and seek solace in the company of fellow believers that they may be lifted up and supported through their times of trial. When that happens, it takes my breath away at the beauty and vulnerability, and absolute trust that their needs will be met one way or another. Oh, that I could have that kind of faith, in God as well as fellow believers. This past week, I witnessed a family as they lost their young child due to a tragic accident, from a distance, but nonetheless, they willingly let people, (and I mean thousands of people) follow details of their ordeal. Through the process thousands of people worshiped with them and prayed with them through the ups and downs, seeking healing, but ultimately accepting their prayers would not be answered the way they hoped.  I sobbed my way through the requests for prayers, adding my own requests that he be healed,  and felt stunned when I heard that their little boy had passed away. I am truly touched by this family. One comment by someone, miles away captured my thoughts "Thanks for letting us share the journey with you."  Truly, they were an example of vulnerability and graciousness, in an angry and bitter world.

Ben Ricketts Fund
Veridian Credit Union at the Cedar Heights location.
The address is 3621 Cedar Heights Drive, Cedar Falls, IA 50613.

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