Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How loss of vision and purpose occur.

Its been a long week this week - and part of it is due to the fact of controlling people needing the upper hand, all the time. I find it ironic at a point in life where I am an established professional, that there are still people who treat me as if I am not capable of basic tasks. The details in life, usually aren't that critical, however when the details become the main focus it seems like a significant loss of vision and purpose has occurred. This week I have been stonewalled, an apology ignored, and oh yes, told "not to fret" and I am really not the fretting type - most definitely the problem-solving type. However, each experience was framed in the manner that would give the other person the upper hand. (Interesting that when the other individuals used those relational attempts to control me that a profound feeling of helplessness occurred and the temptation was to give into their controlling behavior, or lash out in anger. I did neither but it wasn't an emotional experience I enjoyed).

I wonder then why do the details become so important, and I mean little things like where items are stored, who is allowed the keys to the items, seating charts, meal selections, which in-box an item is placed in, last minute scheduling glitches. Seriously - these must be life or death items due to the tenacity with which some people attack others (this week included me) over minor details.

I find it very sad when details trump the basics of connecting with others. Acknowledging and expressing appreciation that another person has joined the team and shares the vision and purpose of the team, I think are more important.
As someone who helps develop plans and goals, if only for myself, I find that input from others helps me define and specify exactly what I hope to accomplish. However when someone keeps bringing the focus back to their control of the details, and adds in some emotional blackmail, then what ends up happening is all the life, joy and fun is choked out of the relationship, and I am more likely to attempt to avoid being in that same situation again in the future.

Because I have experience meeting personal and professional goals previously, these attempts to control my behavior will (probably) have little effect as I process my own emotions. I will re-group. I will press forward, always hoping, seeking, looking for the opportunity to bless others again.

Be the blessing!!

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