Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Following my own advice

I have concluded that I am in a season of waiting, again. We have big goals dedicated to paying off our house, and getting a couple of small business off the ground. Community support for them has been fantastic, its just a matter of producing quality product and creating win/win relationships with the people we meet. So that means after so deftly encouraging others to make the best use of your time while waiting, I now need to take my own advice.

So here are my goals (it helps to have them in writing, and accountability also increases success rates):

After the Live Healthy Iowa Challenge ends at work on April 23rd - I hope to have logged 100 hours of activity/exercise in 100 days (as of yesterday I have logged 82 hours and 25 min - so it will be a challenge to complete it by the finish date). I want to continue that challenge for the next 100 days, logging an additional 100  hours of activity from April 24th- August 1st of this year.

I have scheduled an appointment with my family counselor for May in order to discuss my anxieties and frustrations over the waiting process.  

I have scheduled two classes for this spring that I am planning on attending to help me network with other people who are sharing similar experiences and helping me to expand my horizons.

Books to read:
I am looking for new authors to read - as I have read almost all of Ruby Payne's books. Continuing to research on emotional resources, and also continuing to research on how to build a small business effectively.


  1. As of today I completed the 1st goal. I completed 100 hours of activity in 100 days during the Live Healthy Iowa Challenge. And my hubby completed about 50 hours. Yay!!

  2. congratulations!
